The department has a dedicated faculty in all the major areas of mechanical engineering such as, design and analysis, fluids and thermal engineering, materials, and manufacturing. In addition to the conventional core courses, the department offers state-of-the-art courses such as product design and realization, sustainability for engineers, continuum mechanics, medical devices and equipments, biomechanics, control engineering, noise and vibration, finite element analysis, energy science and technology, robotics and mechatronics, micro-manufacturing, and tribology. The laboratories have been set up with modern facilities for strengthening teaching and research.
With more than 150 PhD scholars and currently 4 PostDocs, three specializations in Masters’ programs, industry oriented doctoral programs and with the direct PhD program for outstanding bachelor students, the department has grown large to support talent and to cater to the societal requirements. Even through this journey of merely ten years, the state-of-the-art infrastructure is in full utilization in the department. Multidisciplinary group works, global integration and industrial problem-solving are inherent parts of the course structures.