

METRIX 5.0_Teaser

Metrix 5.0_Teaser.mp4


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metrix4 teaser.mp4

9th International Conference on

Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Mechanical and Materials Engineering


December 9-11, 2021



October 21-22, 2021

Robotics System Design: Fundamentals, Challenges and Applications

November 2-6, 2020



Advanced Knowledge In a Nutshell

Failure Mechanics - from Static to Impact Loading

The aim of this course is to provide a basic framework to students, researchers and practicing engineers about the failure behavior of materials/structures under static and impact loading. The course covers the fundamentals of failure mechanics, discusses case studies and presents experimental demonstrations. People working in the field of fracture/failure mechanics, structural integrity etc. are highly encouraged to get benefited from this course.

Advanced Knowledge in a Nutshell.pdf

Winners of METRIX-2019

Best Presentations

Best Posters

First rank


Second rank



The Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar is organizing METRIX-2019 on July 24-25, 2019. METRIX is a platform for exchange of ideas among the students and experts of Mechanical Engineering. The event provides an opportunity to professionals of all stages and sub-domains of Mechanical Engineering to interact and take the field forward through constructive collaborative efforts.

Question 1: How to create Research environment?.mp4

Sustainable Urban Agriculture Hack


Advanced Knowledge In a Nutshell

AKIN: Manufacturing for Industry 4.0

The conventional manufacturing cannot meet the requirements of next generation industries where product has to be produced with minimal harm to the environment, at competitive price and with customized features. Therefore, it is a needed to develop the well-established technologies for future manufacturing. It not only includes manufacturing processes but also upgradation of industrial practices such as machine learning, interaction between machines, auto-correction. The major topics which will be discussed in the workshop may include Modern manufacturing processes and systems, Additive manufacturing, Nanotechnology, CAD/CAM/CIM, Intelligent systems, Artificial intelligence, Soft-computing, Machine learning, Image processing, Virtual manufacturing, Smart manufacturing, Sustainable manufacturing, Requirements of Industry 4.0, Big data analysis, Robotics, Mechatronics, Cloud computing, Cyber security, Communication, Internet of things, Internet of people, Policies, ethics and standards for industry 4.0, etc. These topics will have a great academic, industrial and R&D values in the current times.


Participant of GYSS

Ms. Beant Kaur, a Research scholar of Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Ropar was selected to participate in Global Young Scientist Summit (SYSS) at NTU, Singapore in 2019. 

Research Conclave